This course is designed to teach a total beginner the fundamentals of setting up a home studio through to creating a finished product in a home studio. It involves a minimum of 30 hours with an experienced Sound engineer/Producer working through creating a track in our studios. Our course is presented over a 3 month period and consists of a 2 to 4 hour classes once a week, our facilities will also cater for students to come in and work on their class projects and apply what they learn in theory at a minimum practical session of 2 hours a week. Along with all the practical knowledge a student will acquire from time spent in the studio on the equipment the student and extra practical time they will also receive our unique reference guide that contains all the information we cover in the theory classes and can be used as a reference manual after the course has been completed as well as receiving telephonic & online support through the student forum from our experienced crew. We have seen that this course actually puts the student at such an advantage that he/she is actually on par with other producers, that have been doing it for years or more after just 3 months, this is due to the fact that we demonstrate the essential information usually aquired through a lengthy course thus eliminating all unnecessary theory. We give them the fundamental knowledge that would normally take them years to acquire through trial and error and probably some unnecessary expenses along the way as well. We try to create a relationship with our students and help them with guiding them on there productions, publishing their works, equipment purchases and as much after course service as we can. Our course is designed for the true music. .. No academic requirements apply either; the only requirement would be basic knowledge of computer use & the love of music.
NB: This course also requires a student to bring along their own Headphones for the production stations available in our facilities.
About the Course
A student is required to attend a 3 to 4 hour session per week!
A student is required to have a home PC in order to implement each workshop at home, student software will be supplied , this software is try before you buy beta sofware and will need you to upgrade in order to overcome the clichés these software have.
Workshops are available to start in 3 semesters of the year 1st February 2nd May & 3rd in September , groups of three students will also be formed to commence within the semesters
Students are not allowed to bring friends to class with them!
About the facilities
The studios are a acoustically balanceed with state of the art equipment, but set up in the home project standard, each student will have access to their own production station where they can apply lesson during theory classes ,they will also have access to these facilities , for a minimum time of 2 hours with unlimited access to the station confirmed through pre booking time on the studio roster
Students are required to bring their own pair of headphones to class with them!
About the lecturers
The classes are presented by professional and experienced sound engineers/music producers that are actively involved in the urban music industry
Our classes are give in groups of four in order to give every student individual attention, allowing them access to their own production stations and to develop a personal relationship with every student. This way we keep good track of a student’s progress and help out students with after sales service and advice.
Course Subjects:
These topics are explained thoroughly to the students by the lecturer and are put in to practice by the student on the facility production stations, and are encouraged to apply it on their home computers too with trial software we provide!
These topics are also be included in the reference guide and will be available for reference after each the class is finished!
What will a student receive?
Students will receive the 3 month course with a minimum of 30 hours with a lecturer! Students will also receive the production manual as well as Beta software (Try before you buy) so as to make the right decision on the software you comfatable with,Plus we will help you out with finding the right equipment at the student prices(all students receive student discount on purchasing equipment), the will also recieve a certification of attendance to the course.
For course costing please see application form under course options