
5 tips to a successful mixtape series


If you looking at being a successful Dj one important channel of communication to fans and promoters is the good ol’ mixtape, back when there was no “soundcloud” “mixcloud” or other mix hosting services Dj’s use to record their mixtapes and burn them onto cd’s, these cd’s were duplicated and then passed on through to friends, family, promoters, strangers at events and even here in Mzansi canvased to taxi drivers who would blaze the mixes on full blast on their routes to attract passengers to their service, this is how dj’s  who never had sets on radio shows or never had compilation contracts with record labels would promote themselves through physical blood sweat and tears  with the mixtape channel back then , nowadays the net has a multitude of platforms to host the Dj mixtapes making it easier to get it out to more ears, but yet there is stil that illusive way to gain followers to get promoters attention and to get those bookings that have been attracted by your mixtapes it still takes a different kind of dedication, we take a look here at 5 key areas that could help you gain the interest and attention to get you noticed


1. The right fresh ingredients make a great sounding set.

There is nothing more catchy than fresh sounds to the ear, so you when are putting your mixtape together make sure you have some fresh sound to spice up your mix even if it means creating your own re-edit of old and new tracks and in the end making sure that all your tracks  and remixed tracks on the mix work with each other also take the time to plan out your tracks in the order they will be played unlike playing live your mixes will be listen to over and over by people just going on about there day so try to use your mixtape as a canvas to let your tracks head in a a direction of fluidness.


2. Brand your mixes and then brand some more

Creating a visual brand for your mixes is very important, this creates relation when someone sees your brand image and equally counts for creating a sonic brand (the sound you play in your mixes), good artwork , sample drops that Identifies your mix , this way when people are playing it around friends or people, they will be able to pic up your mix easily.


3. Quality must be a priority and be on point.

This is one fundamental many forget , you might get away with your sound in a live situation ,where sometimes it’s noisy and the sound systems aren’t up to standard , but on you mix as mentioned people are listening over and over and this opens you up to scrutiny, so it is best advise that you use proper quality sound not something ripped off the net at low  quality, as for that your mixing must be spot on too as once uploaded your mix is up pretty much for life

4. Getting it out there (social links, cards, barcodes, mefrchandise)

So you’ve finished and uploaded your mixtape to your mix hosting site(mixcloud, Soundcloud ,podomatic) in reality this ain’t enough you’ve got to push your mixtape, besides pushing your mix on social media which is pretty easy as copying and pasting links to statuses and tagging, why not look at the alternative as you create a brand around you mixtape series name (eg: house chronicles) why not go the extra mile make business cards of your mixtape , make t-shirts ,caps, stickers etc to get your mixtape series out there visually and when you’ve just about wiped the sweat off your brow why not make hardcopies of your mixtape and get it out there to venue owners coffee shops place where people hangout this just opens up more ears ,fans and interest in who made that awesome mix and even though you get to a stage of solid following , keep on with the procedure even if you have finally blown up.

5. Consistancy the friend of success!

A friend to success has always been said to be consistency , this one trait is what makes the difference to gaining that success , doing all above points regularly and having fun at the same time will get you noticed and trust me you need to have fun doing this if your not having fun your consistency will be broken and so will your mixtape series, your consistency will prove to your followers that you are the real deal, you here to stay ,this is your passion and to promoters it will show that you are reliable prompting some referred bookings from your mixtape .

On a FINAL word if all this sounds like a mammoth task remember a 1000km journey starts with the first step take on smaller steps than grow into your brand series with all the additional steps, give yourself small achievable tasks and commit to something you feel you can maintain consitantly in the long run, you can always improve once you in it, following this route should be part of your Dj plan in order for you to get out there 

“extracted from Multi-Racial UMi 001 Dj course”

HOTLINE 0123626235



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